Our Background
Carthona Capital was founded in 2014 when a group of like-minded venture investors came together to invest on a deal-by-deal basis.
Since then, Carthona Capital has shifted to a more traditional venture capital fund structure, and is now deploying its third fund with approximately $360m in funds under management from a mix of Institutional (Superannuation), Family Office and High Net-worth investors.
Our Approach
At Carthona we like to invest very early - our initial investment into a business is usually at the Pre-Seed, Seed, or Series A stages.
We then like to follow-on strongly and continue to deploy larger amounts of capital as the business matures - in one instance we have supported a business by participating in eight different independent financing rounds.
We are highly thematic in the opportunities we look to invest in.
We are extremely hands-on with our portfolio companies.

Social + Environment
Carthona Capital takes its social and environmental responsibility incredibly seriously. We strive to be our very best citizen, and encourage all our stakeholders to be equally minded.
Carthona is a signatory to the United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment.
Further information on these principles can be found at

Carbon Neutrality
Carthona is a carbon neutral organisation, and on an ongoing basis continues to measure its carbon footprint, implement carbon reduction initiatives, and offset its carbon emissions through Pathzero. Carthona is also Climate Active certified.
Carthona's Pathzero Public Profile, including our emissions and projects that we support can be viewed at
Further information on Pathzero can be found at

If you can get a 'warm' introduction to us, you should do so. However, we recognise that it isn’t always easy if you don’t have a network or come from an underrepresented group who naturally don’t have connections to VCs. In that case, we welcome you to send a pitch deck and any other related materials in PDF format to:
General Enquiries
Level 26, 1 O'Connell Street
Sydney, NSW 2000